Mr Pumpkin 2: Walls of Kowloon - App

Mr Pumpkin 2: Walls of Kowloon - App Image

Mr Pumpkin 2: Walls of Kowloon


 Tags: Games Entertainment Puzzle Adventure

4.7 / 5

Total App Ratings: 221 (221)

App Information

 Seller:    Lilith Games  App Size:    1.28 GB  Category: Games Entertainment Puzzle Adventure
 App Release Date:    22 / Apr / 2020  Current Version Release Date:    24 / Jan / 2022  App Price:    $1.99
 App Min Version:    9.0  App Version:    1.0.20  App Adult Rating:    12+
 Is Game Center Enabled:    No  App Developer:    Lilith Games  App Bundle Id:    com.lilithgames.mrpumpkin2.ios
 Currency:    USD  iPhone Compatibility:    Requires iOS 9.0 or later  App Kind:    Software

What's New

The Dragon Gate has been opened. Are you prepared to enter the City of Darkness?

App Description

CottonGame’s empty-headed protagonist is back for a new round of puzzle-filled fun in Mr. Pumpkin 2: Walls of Kowloon! Brought to you by Shanghai publisher Lilith Games, this indie point-and-click adventure will take you back in time to explore the chaotic maze of human life that was Kowloon Walled City. Cyberpunk elements add a touch of the fantastic to the world’s memorable characters and realistic scenes. Everyone has a story to tell and a mystery to unravel–are you up to the challenge? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When it was finally demolished in 1993, Hong Kong’s Kowloon Walled City was the most densely populated place on the planet. Fifty thousand people lived and worked in an area the size of an average city block. A patchwork network of transportation systems, crude but efficient, connected the City’s labyrinthine passageways and buildings. The Walled City gained infamy as a lawless, densely populated ghetto, a jungle of dilapidated concrete and grimy neon signs echoing with the thunder of jet engines flying low overhead. Many historical accounts have focused on the darker side of life there: the gangs that ruled in lieu of police, the damp, sunless apartments whose inhabitants ate and slept alongside rats and cockroaches. Yet life in Kowloon was not without virtue. Most of the City’s residents made an honest living–working as dentists, shopkeepers, mechanics, etc.–and were intimately connected with their communities. They recognized the deficiencies of the place they called home, and they fought tooth and nail to give their children a chance at a better life, but they were not ashamed to live in the Walled City. Today all that remains are the glimpses of that marvelous existence captured in old newspaper clippings, home videos, and photo albums. But the City still lives in the memories of its former residents–and in the imaginations of cyberpunk fans worldwide. Mr. Pumpkin 2: Walls of Kowloon brings these memories to light once more...


App iPhone Screenshots

App iPad Screenshots

App Supported Languages Code

English ZH ZH

App Supported Devices

Device Name
iPad MiniA17 Pro Cellular
iPad MiniA17 Pro
iPhone16 Pro Max
iPhone16 Pro
iPhone16 Plus
iPad Pro13 M4 Cellular
iPad Pro13 M4
iPad Pro11 M4 Cellular
iPad Pro11 M4
iPad Air13 M2 Cellular

App Advisories

Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

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