Seller: Unit11 | App Size: 187.76 MB | Category: Education Games Puzzle |
App Release Date: 18 / Jan / 2025 | Current Version Release Date: 18 / Jan / 2025 | App Price: $0.99 |
App Min Version: 12.0 | App Version: 1.0 | App Adult Rating: 4+ |
Is Game Center Enabled: No | App Developer: Unit11 | App Bundle Id: com.RobbResearch.LearnthenPlayArithmetic |
Currency: USD | iPhone Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later | App Kind: Software |
Unit 11’s Learn then Play Apps offer a new concept in Educational Apps where Learning is Rewarded with Play. Each learning session the child is rewarded with tokens which can be used to play a built-in game. The more time they spend learning and practising the more tokens they will earn and the more they can Play! Reward learning and practicing Basic Counting and Arithmetic with a fun, easy to play, Bubble Shooter Game with 100 levels. This Learn then Play App addresses Basic Arithmetic including counting, addition, subtraction, Times table multiplication and division. And basic fractions (variants of 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, and 1/5). The child can earn tokens to play the Bubble Shooter Game by practicing their arithmetic skills, with 100 tokens for a perfect set of 10 answers. Revisiting the same exercises for more practice will earn more tokens. If the child gets any answer wrong the correct answer is shown immediately. To play the Bubble Shooter game the child needs to have earned at least 100 tokens. Each subject is presented via a set of practice exercises including Tap the Answer, True or False, Drag 3 from 4, Drag to complete the equation, and Type the answer. Importantly, the question sets are generated randomly, so if the child revisits an exercise the questions will be in a different order and if the subject information set is large enough (i.e. larger number set) most questions will be different altogether. As is the norm for Unit 11 Apps, there are NO adverts, NO in-app purchases and NO hidden costs and NO user information is collected by the App. Also help is readily on hand through the App support system in the unlikely case of any unforeseen issues.