Active Holiday Co app is your ultimate holiday companion, offering seamless guidance throughout your journey. By downloading the app, you'll have instant access to daily activity schedules, holiday vouchers, curated shopping and dining recommendations, and detailed trip planner information—all conveniently at your fingertips. Enjoy a hassle-free travel experience with everything you need in one place. Get the Active Holiday Co app now for the best on-tour experience!
All your vouchers & documents in one place: Go paperless. Get your itinerary, tickets, hotel confirmations & all important documents on the app.
Stay connected with your tour provider: Get 24*7 assistance on your tour with Active Holiday Co app which is connected to your tour service provider. You can connect through in-app chat facility or directly to their call center with a click of a button.
Tips & Recommendations: Want to enjoy some local experiences? Our app helps you with a list of tips and curated recommendations of shopping, dining & local experiences… things that you shouldn’t miss.
Real-time updates & notifications: The app provides real-time updates and notifications, ensuring that the travelers stay informed and never miss important travel details.